Zetrack presents the first electric and autonomous tractor designed and manufactured in Spain - Zetrack
The 7th Datagri Forum to promote digital transformation in the agri-food sector, which took place at La Vega Innova in San Fernando de Henares (Madrid), successfully hosted the presentation of one of the prototypes of this electric and autonomous robotractor.
The VII Datagri Forum held on November 13 and 14 in the Community of Madrid witnessed the unveiling of the electric and autonomous robot tractor from Zetrack. In record development time, our machine has obtained very promising results. The uses of its agricultural model are similar to those of a conventional tractor with a power of up to 60 HP. Like any other, it can pull conventional implements – hydraulic, mechanical and electric -, a trailer, a loader or insert ventral implements in the center of the machine, but it has other added advantages. With a driving position and remote control, it will also have the option, in subsequent versions, to operate in autonomous mode. Like any other conventional electric vehicle, it hardly makes any noise, minimizes maintenance costs and its batteries are easily removable.
With the support of various companies in the sector such as Actiture Dos Mil, J.F. Arriezu, Garaia Koop. or Virto, with which ZETRACK has signed letters of intent and within the framework of the Test Farms programme of the European organisation EIT Food, field tests will begin in the coming months to develop pilot projects and use cases in special crops, vegetables and woody crops. Once the tests have been carried out, the improvements that should be incorporated into future versions will be identified with a view to a future marketable tractor that would reach the market at the end of 2025.
To carry out this development, ZETRACK has counted on the collaboration of QUIPPLAN, also an investment partner of ZETRACK and which has a team with extensive experience in the development of products and prototypes and which provides a multidisciplinary approach and a comprehensive vision of the elements and systems that make up an electric tractor.
Para dar los próximos pasos hacia la robotización y la integración de prestaciones de agricultura de precisión, ZETRACK, además de sus propias capacidades, cuenta con las de sus colaboradores, como los Centros Tecnológicos de la Red Vasca de Ciencia y Tecnología y de su socio tecnológico digital WORKBENCH. Para ello, ZETRACK ha obtenido ayudas de la Diputación de Bizkaia y de diversos programas del Gobierno Vasco, la Administración General del Estado y la Unión Europea, que han reconocido así la actividad de ZETRACK en la creación de valor y su contribución a la transición ecológica y digital de la agricultura. Además de las aportaciones y compromiso de sus socios, ZETRACK se encuentra actualmente en búsqueda activa de nuevos inversores que contribuyan a acelerar el progreso de sus equipos hacia la fase de industrialización y comercialización.